Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Obsesser

Kelly DeMarco strongly disapproved of the relationship that Cameron Ames and Kyra Michaels had. Kelly had tried everything to get her supposed "man" back, but Cameron loved Kyra way to much. To me it is very sweet the way Cameron would stick up for Kyra through thick and thin. But Kelly wasn't buying it, she had tried be-friending Kyra and she made it worse. She tried be-friending Cameron himself, and she made it terribly worse between them and their "relationship". No matter what she did she couldn't face the fact that it was OVER between them. In a way i don't get why she is still obsessive over him when, she broke up with him.......OVER THE PHONE!!! In the last post i mentioned that me and Cameron have a special connection and i don't appreciate her dumping him and killing his feelings, and then tries to take him from someone else to kill their feelings. Kyra must be a very strong person to deal with kelly and her no-good friends, and their drama. Kyra has to be on the watch for Kelly and her friends because they will try anything to get Cameron back. Kelly and her friends have enough problems of their own especially Kelly and Kandi Creek. They are both trying to get Cameron for themselves but are doing it in their own sneaky ways. But Kyra won't let this happen to her man and her life. How do i know this? Im.........

-Adrian cursive


  1. omg whoever u r u are makin somebody mad nd idk how u kno this but it iz kinda freaky but cool.

  2. woooooow this is sooooo freaky
