Friday, December 31, 2010

The New Year!

My new year's resolution is going to be telling the truth about my stories. I think Kelly DeMarco's resolution should be to let go of Cameron Ames, for good.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Who Am I

I have heard people are going around asking if this person wrote the stories or if that person wrote them. My name is Adrian. I think that's all you people need to know about me right now, all will be revealed soon enough. Let me tell you a little about myself, i gave my identity away in one of my stories. Read through all of my stories and think about my names that i used carefully. In most of my posts i've mentioned that me and Cameron have a special connection. We talk every night until about 4 in the morning, and we get along great....or so i thought. Me and Cameron haven't been getting along well enough these days because he gets mad at me for silly things now. I have mentioned to Kyra that i was going to commit suicide, but was talked out of it. Thank you Kelly DeMarco for saving my family a trip to the morgue and funeral home. I have way to much to live for and too many reasons. My boyfriend, my cousins, my school, "The Life" at my school. If you think you know who it is, please write your guess in your comments. The first person to guess the right answer wins the game. How do i know all this? Im ..........

-Adrian cursive

The Relationships

Kelly DeMarco and Cameron Ames are or weren't the only couple in the school. There are at least 4 other couples that come to mind. Like take for Brad and Linnea for example they will be going out for 4 months soon and they have their ups and downs but no arguing.....that i know of, but rumor has it that Brad has his eyes on a girl named Simone. They look very cute but I have heard from Linnea that he hangs out with Richard WAY to much and she is starting to believe the rumor, but they still love each other....we will see how long that lasts. Which brings us to our next couple Richard and Phaedra. Richard is in 10th grade and like Kyra, Phaedra is a senior. Phaedra is a flirty type, both Richard and Phaedra think they can get whoever they want. But they don't think of maybe this person doesn't like me. Richard is the biggest lady's man i have ever met, but enough about him let's move on. Our next couple is Simone and Ricki. They are very cute together.......or so they say. Simone is a very sweet person and everyone knows it. Ricki is a very calm person but does not like to move fast with their relationship. Ricki has already screwed up once by saying yes to Phaedra when she asked him out and he was still with Simone, but Simone being the kind person that she is took him back and forgave him. Will his weakness for Phaedra be the weakness that kills their relationship? Moving on our last and most shakiest couple. Denise and Kyle. Denise and Kyle have their ups and downs because this is their 2nd time going out this yeer and it is only December. Kyle is the High School flirt, he flirts with everybody and it is funny but kinda of freaky if you think about it. He is another lady's man, but he does it in style. Like Ricki Kyle has already messed up by dumping Denise for another girl who im not going to name her. Will HIS feelings for ****** be the relation that breaks them forever? How do i know all this? Im.........

-Adrian cursive

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Obsesser

Kelly DeMarco strongly disapproved of the relationship that Cameron Ames and Kyra Michaels had. Kelly had tried everything to get her supposed "man" back, but Cameron loved Kyra way to much. To me it is very sweet the way Cameron would stick up for Kyra through thick and thin. But Kelly wasn't buying it, she had tried be-friending Kyra and she made it worse. She tried be-friending Cameron himself, and she made it terribly worse between them and their "relationship". No matter what she did she couldn't face the fact that it was OVER between them. In a way i don't get why she is still obsessive over him when, she broke up with him.......OVER THE PHONE!!! In the last post i mentioned that me and Cameron have a special connection and i don't appreciate her dumping him and killing his feelings, and then tries to take him from someone else to kill their feelings. Kyra must be a very strong person to deal with kelly and her no-good friends, and their drama. Kyra has to be on the watch for Kelly and her friends because they will try anything to get Cameron back. Kelly and her friends have enough problems of their own especially Kelly and Kandi Creek. They are both trying to get Cameron for themselves but are doing it in their own sneaky ways. But Kyra won't let this happen to her man and her life. How do i know this? Im.........

-Adrian cursive

Monday, December 27, 2010

It Happened

In the summer of 1999 10th grade named Kelly DeMarco and Cameron Ames broke up. Austin couldn't believe it when she sent him the message. She didn't even do it face to face. Everybody heard, including me, but I wasn't like the other people who heard it from the gossip world of our school. I heard it straight from Cameron Ames himself. Why would he tell me you ask? Because me and Cameron have a "special" connection you might say. Kelly's parents disapproved of their "relationship" from the start, so it was there was no heart broken there. Cameron tried to get Kelly back but nothing worked, she was set in her ways and would not change her decision. Later that summer Cameron finally gave up. "She couldn't be persuaded" he said. Kelly had already found herself in another relationship with a boy named Ken. Seeing those two together everyone assumed she was over Cameron and wanted to move on. Later on in the summer it was time to go to school juniors. Cameron and Kelly spoke and hugged but none of it meant anything. The school year started, and everyone had known that Kelly DeMarco and Cameron Ames were officially through. Or so we thought. As the school year went on Cameron Ames got a new girlfriend, a Senior Girlfriend. Kelly found out and wanted Cameron back immediately! Much to her suprise Cameron was over her, for some time. Cameron loved his new girlfriend Kyra, they got along great but it came with a burden.  Kyra and her real friends didn't really care about the gossip going around as long as she was happy that's all that mattered. Kelly and her "crew" were on a mission to get Cameron back once and for all. But Kyra won't let this happen. How do i know this? Im.....

-Adrian cursive